Valentine's Day is a great time to make button gifts - use them for gift tags, craft accents or decorations.
Crochet or needlepoint a special pattern and turn it into a button. Then attach the button to a box and decorate the box, which makes a beautiful jewelry box.
Fill a basket with chocolates for your Valentine and decorate pin-back buttons or two. Then attach the buttons to the basket as a unique gift tag.
Add a button to a picture frame you're giving as a gift. This adds a personal touch to your gift and shows extra thought was given to that special person.
Fill a canning jar with a homemade jam or sauce, potpourri, or even your favorite candy. Then add our magnet-backs to the lid decorated with the receiver's name, and you've given two personalized gifts in one!
Pin a button on a stuffed animal for your sweetheart and it's now a personalized Valentine gift.
Instead of handing out paper Valentines, why not help your child make buttons to pass out to friends and classmates? A unique way to express the feeling of the season.