September 2008 Hot Button Winners

Congrats to our
September Hot Button of the Month Winner!

September's Hot Button of the Month Contest Winner is…Lisa Stippich from Iotta Shop in New Haven, Indiana. Lisa's "Iotta Shop!" button tickled our judges' fancy with its vibrant colors - and their funny bones with its play on the line from The Three Stooges!

According to Lisa, she uses this button to "promote the Iotta Shop website, blog, and products." The website features ideas and products to put together that perfect shopping trip with the girls!

As the September Hot Button of the Month winner, Lisa will receive a $100 gift certificate to
Six unique buttons were awarded the title of Badge-A-Minit September 2008 Hot Button! Winners receive a coupon for 10% off their next purchase at

Want to show off your button design? Take a few minutes and enter it into our October contest. And don't worry if you've entered before - you can enter as often as you wish. We LOVE to hear from you and look forward to sharing your masterpieces with the Badge-A-Minit family!

Like Anime?
Do you like Anime? Natalie Whelan of Bel Air, MD, does! She uses this button to catch people's attention and make them curious for more information, so they will visit her website. "The more people that visit, but more recognition my art gets - and the more art I can sell!" Natalie says. She took the buttons at an anime convention and totally ran out of them. Afterward, her website received many views and compliments.
Happy Halloween
Susie Coleman of Little Rock, AR, is a past Hot Button of the Month winner. She uses her "trademark" cartoon (designed by her son) for each holiday throughout the year. Susie will wear this Happy Halloween button throughout the month of October!
Got Flu?
"Get Your Flu Shot Today!" says Arnold Bentley of Laconia, NH, who designed this button to "inspire people to get their flu shots." People saw the button, responded and got vaccinated. It's that time of the year, everyone - Go get those flu shots!
Happy Birthday To Me!
Some people actually ENJOY having a birthday - and want the rest of the world to celebrate with them, says Linda Johnson of Inwood, WV. Linda designed the "Happy Birthday To Me" button for her youngest daughter's 12th birthday. Then she decided that selling the button could help raise money for the Musselman High School Marching Band. So...she made extras to sell at home football games, where they've become very popular.
High School Musical
Mark Springer of Princeton, IL designed this collectible button to commemorate the 37th Annual Homestead Festival held in his home town. "Normally, I sell the buttons before the parade, but unfortunately, this year's parade was rained out!" Oh, well...a little rain won't hurt those buttons!
Asperger's Awareness
Tammy Schell from Autism Speaks in Adrian, MI, designed this button to help raise awarenss of Asperger's Syndrome. Tammy's son suffers from the disorder, which is a form of Autism. "Few people understand why my son acts the way he does - he just doesn't process or understand some things the way most people do. I want them to understand," Tammy says. "When they read the button, many times they will ask questions - and I can educate them about the disorder."