December 2010 Hot Button Winners

Congrats to our
December 2010 Hot Button of the Month Winner!

December's Hot Button of the Month Contest Winner is…Kimberly Leakey from Larned, KS. Kimberly made the "Silver Dollar City" buttons to give out as gifts at her family reunion held in Branson, MO. The buttons also provided a way to easily identify members of their group.

"I used the starter machine that makes 2 ¼" buttons and they were the perfect size," Kimberly said. "The kids especially loved them. They looked forward to sticking them on their school bags when they got home.."

Other family member plan to stick them button on the fridge with a magnet, Kimberly noted.

"The unique Silver Dollar City bag design as the backdrop to this year's 50th year logo got us a lot of attention from staff and guests wanting to know where we picked them up. You know your button is hot when the employees want them!" said Kimberly.

As the Hot Button of the Month winner, Kimberly received a $100 Badge-A-Minit gift certificate.
Congratulations to our December 2010 Hot Button Winners! This month, as we reviewed the contest entries, we realized that this marks the end of the third year of the Hot Button Contest. We've looked at hundreds of button designs in those years, and it is amazing how far our customers have come in both design and creative uses for buttons! This year, we're going to be adding a few new ways for people to share their favorite projects - watch your emails to see what we have in store! Thank you to all who have participated in the Hot Button Contest - we enjoy reviewing all of the entries and look forward to receiving each entry. The ultimate goal of the contest is to share ideas for buttons of your own! Happy New Year 2011 to all of you - and don't forget to take a minute to submit your favorite button to our January Hot Button Contest. Each Hot Button winner receives a coupon for 10% off their next purchase at
No L
Rev. Stephen B. Ball of Stephen Ball Designs in Winston-Salem, NC, created this visual pun button (No L for the word Noel) to use as a holiday greeting. "When I wore the badge I got a lot of puzzled glances; I loved watching the looks on people's faces as they realized what the badge actually said," said Rev. Ball. "The badges were great fun and everyone who received one loved it!"
Valley Wildlife Rescue
Kay Anders of Catlore in Roanoke, VA, is a volunteer for a local wildlife rescue organization. She designed a series of buttons to help raise awareness for the cause, including the one pictured here. "We're always looking for ways to raise awareness (and funds!), Kay said. We hope giving the buttons to volunteers and also selling them will help!
Slow Down Sebastopol!
This button, submitted by Jim McCullough of in California, was designed to promote safe walking and biking in and around the town of Sabastopol. "The buttons helped highlight awareness of walking and biking issues and boosted community involvement at city council and advocacy meetings," Jim said.