September 2011 Hot Button Winners

Congrats to our
September 2011 Hot Button of the Month Winner!

September's Hot Button of the Month Contest Winner is…Dennis E. Wagner from Bradner Creations in Alliance, OH.. Dennis made this "Marching Dukes of Marlington - Got Plaid?" button as a companion button for the traditional photo buttons you normally see band parents and supporters wearing at high school sporting events..

"Our high school marching band is unique as their uniforms incorporate an actual Scottish Tartan called ‘Stewart of Atholl Ancient' as part of the design," Dennis said. "The Marching Dukes of Marlington have a long, proud history of this tartan incorporated into their uniforms, so it seemed only fitting to play off it in a button."

Dennis noted that the button is very popular at sporting events and always gets a chuckle - especially since Marlington High School is a rural school and the football field basically sits in the middle of a cow pasture!

As the Hot Button of the Month winner, Dennis received a $100 Badge-A-Minit gift certificate.
Congratulations to our September 2011 Hot Button Winners! We wish we could give awards to everyone that enters, but unfortunately we have to narrow it down! Want to show off YOUR special button project? Enter our October contest - you could win a coupon for 10% off your next purchase at And if you're chosen as the October Hot Button of the Month, you'll get a $100 Gift Certificate!
Never Forget
Sarah Reeves of Sarah's Snapshots in Kearney, NE, doesn't want people to forget about the World Trade Center bombing in 2001, so she designed the "Never Forget" buttons in commemorate the 10th anniversary of the disaster. Sarah works with people in law enforcement and fire/rescue, and these buttons were used as a fundraiser for continued training programs.
Engage Brain
This button, designed by Sandra Loffland of Buttons by Sandra in Indianapolis, IN, really needs no explanation! If everyone would just heed the "Engage Brain" buttons warning, the world would be a friendlier, happier place!
Happiness Is...
Kyle Moore of KyFly in Soda Springs, ID, gives his "Happiness Is A Stuck Fly" to customers who purchase fishing flies from his company. He believes they bring good luck. Kyle reports that nemerous customer offer positive comments about the buttons and ask if they can purchase additional ones.
I 'Heart' the 'Boys
Kirby P. Riley of Washington, DC is a huge fan of the Dallas Cowboys and wanted to show his support for America's team (his description, not ours...since we hail from Chicago Bears territory!), so he designed this "I (heart - or in this case star) the 'Boys." Kirby noted that other Cowboys fans loved it - and fans of other teams appreciated the idea and wanted buttons for their own teams as well.