May 2008 Hot Buttons

May's Hot Button winners featured a variety of animals from frogs to mice to dogs to bears - with a robot thrown in to add interest! For May, we awarded the title of Hot Button to 5 designs. Winners receive a coupon for 10% off their next purchase at

Don't be shy! If you have a favorite button design or idea, send it in! Remember: you can enter as often as you wish. We LOVE to hear from you and look forward to sharing your masterpieces with the Badge-A-Minit family.

Need some summer button-making ideas?
- The 4th of July is just around the corner. What better way to show your patriotism than with a red, white and blue button?
- Baseball tournaments abound in summer! Support your favorite Little Leaguer, softball player or professional team by cheering them on with buttons.
- Do you like to run? 5K races and walks are great places to sell and/or share your buttons.
- Family reunion coming up? Make a button name badge for each attendee, so everyone can recognize those children that have grown up - and those that have grown old! Better yet, add a photo from the last family reunion of each person along with their name.
- Going on vacation? Collect souvenir napkins or brochures. When you get home make buttons to remember the trip (and proudly wear the photo of you surviving the Towe of Terror!)
- Add flower petals to your buttons for a one-of-a-kind design.
- Put your political views on a button for the world to see!

We want to see all your ideas! It only takes a few minutes to enter the Hot Button contest - do it today!