April 2010 Hot Button Winners

Congrats to our
April 2010 Hot Button of the Month Winner!

April's Hot Button of the Month Contest Winner is…Claudia Hepler from Monkey Moments in Saltsburg, PA. Claudia sells this Sock Monkey button and other designs along with bookmarks, sock monkey kits, tablets, greeting cards and other items online. She is always on the look-out for more items to put her sock monkey photos on!

"The purpose of this button and all of the others I have created is to make money for my company," said Claudia. Claudia's company can be viewed online at Monkey Moments (http://www.monkeymoments.net).

As the Hot Button of the Month winner, Claudia received a $100 Badge-A-Minit gift certificate.
This month's entries featured both the whimsical and serious sides of life. Sock monkeys and bones, causes and memories were all highlighted in button form. Congratulations to all our April Hot Button designers! As always, we enjoyed seeing everyone's work and had a difficult time choosing the winners. If your entry wasn't chosen, please - try, try again!

Here in Illinois, we're finally starting to feel the magic of Spring - and we're seeing many people making lots of buttons for charity events like runs/walks, golf games, baseball tournaments and other outdoor good times. What are you doing with your buttons right now? Be sure to share! Remember, each Hot Button winner receives a coupon for 10% off their next purchase at Badge-A-Minit.com - and that can come in handy during button-making season!
No Luck With Men
Katherine Dougan of KRDJ Music & Media in Clinton, MS, designed this button to promote radio play and increase media attention for her song "No Luck With Men." Katherine gives these buttons away at various events. "The first event at which I gave away the buttons was for the Sweet Potato Queens Come On In Party," said Katherine. "The buttons were so popular that everybody - even men - were wearing them!"
Queen of Bones
Felix Thomas, an illustrator from NY, NY, found that turning his drawings into buttons is a great way to get his designs out of the sketchbook and turn them into product. "Queen of Bones is a design I wasn't too interested in as drawing, but I loved turning it into a badge," Felix said. "I think the simplicity of the design helps it stand out from distance, and I've sold quite a few of these buttons."
In Memory
Lisa Tate from Buttons for a Buck in Decatur, IL, designed this button in memory of Dr. John White, Chief of Surgery at St. Mary's Hospital, after his untimely death. One of Dr. White's favorite charities was Angel Flight Central. Lisa sold over 400 buttons - and donated the proceeds of $350 to the charity in his name.
Engineer Graduation Party
This Engineer Graduation Party button was designed by Michael Schafer from Ottumwa, IA. While Michael was making and handing out buttons at a local Home Expo, a woman stopped to ask if he made buttons for other events. Of course, he said yes - and she placed an order for 200 buttons to celebrate the graduation. Just goes to show - you never know when or where your buttons will be noticed - and turn into a profit-making opportunity!